Time for a little update!
I've been toiling away pretty heavily today on getting the database sorted and I aim to have a functional intro done by the end of the week which is a lofty goal since there's really no form of any intro in the game at all right now. Anyway, these portraits have been imported into the game for a while, but I'm just getting to them now on here (I shared them a while ago on Discord). Here are your eight permanent party members!
Vergil is the main character of Blackmoon Prophecy Prelude. When the game starts, he is a new recruit in the Port Alraune town guard. When trouble comes knocking in his hometown and interrupts his training with his fellow recruits, he pledges to fight back and joins the Lindblum Army. Vergil's official job is fighter. He can wield knives and swords and has a combination of abilities from the knight and thief jobs.
Salia is Vergil's best friend in Port Alraune. She is not as built for combat as Vergil, but is a fledgling white magic user and is proficient with the bow as a weapon. Salia, while not mandatory in the party at any time, is the game's deuteragonist. Salia's official job is holy archer. She can use bows, rods, and staves. Her skillset combines abilities from the archer and white mage jobs. |
Bocshe Gore returns as a playable character and is just as nonsensical as ever. Bosche is a man who seldom makes sense and typically rambles incoherently before forcing himself into situations (like joining the party in the first game without any discussions with the party beforehand). Bosche is once again a seeker of artifacts, relics, and treasures. Bosche's official job is seeker. He can use bows and knives. He is able to use abilities from the archer and gambler jobs. |
The official main character of the cancelled Blackmoon Prophecy III has earned a spot in this game serving a similar role as she did in her original game as a summoner! Aysha hails from the Lenadian town of Daguero and is a young summoner who wants to go out in search of new Espers to bond with. Aysha's official job is kindred. She can use swords and hammers. Aysha can use some abilities from the knight job while being able to obtain summons not available to the standard kindred job for followers/recruits.
Aysha's sister Ronan has also made the transition from Blackmoon Prophecy III. Like before, Ronan is a spear user who funnels his innate magic talents into his weapon strikes and he is also able to learn blue magic abilities. Ronan's official job title is halberdier. He can use spears and swords. Ronan can use a few abilities from the dragoon job while, again, also being able to learn blue magic in the same manner as a blue mage. |
Lanse Crescent is a hopeful young mercenary from the kingdom of Branch who seeks to look for paying jobs on either side of the Crystal War. Lanse hails from Oaktown an is an ancestor of Blackmoon Prophecy II character Twill Crescent. Lanse's official job title is mercenary. He is able to use axes and swords. Lanse's skillset combines abilities from the dark knight and duelist jobs. |
Soryu is a master ninja from the independent Village of Zen on the small Zen Isle off the coast of Ivalice. Unlike Nobumasa in the original game who was a ninja who was ridiculed in his hometown before venturing off into the world to better himself, Soryu is an accomplished ninja already and his skills reflect it as he has also learned how to harness the power of black magic. Soryu's official job title is ninja (surprised?) and he is able to use ninja swords. His skillset combines abilities from the black mage and ninja jobs. |
Ceresa Vainstrong is a young woman from northern Branch who distanced herself from the affairs of the warmongering King Branch and the war he has started with the world. Ceresa seeks to rise above the reputation of her kingdom in her travels as she seeks to better herself both as a fighter and as an intellectual. Ceresa's official job title is pugilist. She can use claws, rods, and staves and can obtain abilities typically used by the monk and time mage jobs. |