Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bragg's Folly Markers

 Bragg's Folly is a confusing cave dungeon that is slightly maze-like and is a looping map. To help the player memorize their way around the map, they are given ten map markers that they may place anywhere they want while exploring the cave. Markers are returned to the player's inventory when leaving, so they can be replaced upon entry.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Optional Super Bosses: The Black Waltzes

Since this is the third Blackmoon Prophecy game, I've decided that good things should appear in threes. So, three familiar fellows from Final Fantasy IX will make an appearance in Blackmoon Prophecy III.

The three Black Waltzes that pursued Zidane and friends throughout the first few hours of Final Fantasy IX will serve as three ancient black mages from Lindblum in Blackmoon Prophecy III. As mentioned in the first Blackmoon Prophecy, Lindblum's black mages used to be quite corrupt long ago. By the time of Blackmoon Prophecy, the black mages are more distrusted than anything, and these three mages will be from a different era. No, there's no time travelling, they have just used their powerful magic to have extremely long lifespans.

So, what's the deal with these three and what are my plans for them? Simply put, they're going to throw as much debuffing and damaging spells at the player that they can handle. Maybe even more than they can handle. We'll see.

In order to make these bosses legitimately frightening, they are going to exist in a dungeon where their magic power is so profoundly strong that it saps magic from any other magicians in the area. What does this mean? As soon as the player enters this dungeon, a non-removable silence-like debuff will be placed on all characters that will persist throughout the entire dungeon. You'll have to rely on attacking, non-magical abilities, and items to get you through the dungeon. The final test will be facing these three bad boys at the very end. Defeat them to rid Gaia of the corrupted black mages once and for all. Oh, and get some awesome treasure too. Can't forget that part.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Town of Nideen WIP

Currently hard at work on the town of Nideen.

Nideen is the southernmost town in all of Lenadia, and it rains almost constantly in town and the surrounding region. This town is where players will be able to meet (probably, depending on their route through Lenadia) their first recruitable party member, Aster the chemist.